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What is the exam pattern for GATE Civil Engineering?

How many questions are asked in the exam and how much time is allotted?

  • Sanchit
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • GATE Civil Engineering examination is of 10 sections. It consists of 65 questions for a duration of 3 hours. The questions are objective type but with 1/3rd negative marking. GATE Civil Engineering has Group Discussion and a Personal Interview as well. It is conducted to check the candidate's decisive and analytical skills, followed by the interview where personal interests, strengths and weaknesses are asked. MARKING SCHEME: 1 or 2 Mark: For each correct answer -1/3 or -2/3 Mark: For each wrong answer

  • GATE Civil Engineering examination is of 10 sections. It consists of 65 questions for a duration of 3 hours. The questions are objective type but with 1/3rd negative marking. GATE Civil Engineering has Group Discussion and a Personal Interview as well. It is conducted to check the candidate's decisive and analytical skills, followed by the interview where personal interests, strengths and weaknesses are /MARKING SCHEME:br /1 or 2 Mark: For each correct answerbr /-1/3 or -2/3 Mark: For each wrong answer

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