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Practice Tests for Pointers C Programming

Take this free online test of Pointers and prove your talent for the same. Get your score and performance analysis instantly after the test.

Prepare online for competitive examinations by going through each section of the core subjects asked in the test. This section is dedicated to training candidates in the subject of Pointers and point out the loopholes in their preparation. This helps in moving higher in the competition circle and score higher in the actual examination.

Try this set of well-crafted questions and know how much preparation is needed to achieve a great score in competitive examinations for engineering or research. Compare scores after each paper you attempt from the mock test series.

Try this set of 10 objective questions based on Pointers and see where your level of preparation stands. It is advisable to attempt more than one practice test to know more about areas that need real work upon. Just begin and you'll how to go forward with it.

Develop a proper test-taking schedule and try each one from the mock paper series to know how much you need to improve in order to score better and get selected. This section is dedicated to Pointers

Declarations, Definitions and Initializations

Control Instructions in C


Floating Point Issues


C Preprocessor




Structures, Unions and Enumerations

Input and Output

Command Line Arguments

Bitwise Operators

Type Definition in C

Const Qualifier in C

Memory Allocation

Variable Number of Arguments

Complicated Declarations

Library Functions