What is the exam pattern of Wipro? Need section wise details.

Exam pattern

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8 Answers
  • This exam pattern consists of multiple sections, including English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Technical Knowledge. Each section tests different skills, such as essay writing, reading comprehension, basic math, and coding. For a comprehensive preparation strategy, you might find services like Masterpapers.com useful. They offer professional writing and study assistance that can help you tackle the essay and technical writing parts of the exam more effectively. Good luck with your preparation!

  • Hi, the duration of the written exam is 95 minutes. The level of the exam is moderate. The exam consists of 70 Objective Type Questions. After clearing the written examination, the candidates are eligible to appear for Wipro's Interview rounds, that is, Technical Interview and HR Interview. Careers at Wipro is a great opportunity and thus many job seekers await the openings of recruitment each year. 

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  • There are three rounds under this step of recruitment process. These are:
    Written Exam
    Technical Interview
    HR Interview
    The duration of the written exam is 95 minutes. The level of the exam is moderate. The exam consists of 70 Objective Type Questions. There is no negative marking in the exam.

    English Language - This section consists of Essay Writing, Reading Comprehension, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Error based, etc.
    Quantitative - This section consists of Profit & Loss, Geometry, Speed & Distance, Arithmetic, Percentage, Algebra, etc.
    Logical Reasoning - It consists of questions based on Puzzles, Blood relations, Coding- Decoding, Data Interpretation, Data sufficiency, Statements & Arguments, etc.
    Technical - It involves questions from Data structure, Operating system, C & C++, Java, DBMS, Microprocessors, Optical fibres, etc.
    To know more, Wipro About.

  • First of all there will be a written test consisting of English , Aptitude, Coding and an essay writing. After that there will be technical , HR and other interviews.

  • there will be 70 questions and you have 72 minutes for that.

  • hi ramya, There will be 3 rounds you know that and each round is an elimination round. Every round is important and necessary to clear each round for further steps.
    Quantitative section will have 16 questions, reasoning has 14 questions, verbal ability has 25 questions and technical part will have 15 questions. The total time allotted to the written exam is 72 minutes. There is no negative marking in the paper.

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