CMAT Exam Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Previous Year Paper

Common Management Admission Test, aka CMAT, is an online (computer-based test) exam held every year, usually in January, by NTA (National Testing Agency). This is one of the essential management entrance exams that is conducted on a nationwide scale. Till 2018, AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) was conducting CMAT. From 2019, NTA will conduct the exam and be responsible for conducting and controlling the CMAT examination across India. The purpose of this test/exam is to shortlist eligible candidates for management degree courses. The test scores of CMAT are considered by all the management institutes/colleges/universities that are associated/affiliated with AICTE. CMAT is taken after graduation in any discipline, but students in their final year of graduation are also considered eligible. CMAT is held across the country through various exam centers located in different cities and states of India. 

 Eligibility Criteria   Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Tips, and Tricks   Take Free CMAT Mock Test  

मुख्य हाइलाइट
CMAT Exam Type:
Computer Based Exam
CMAT Level:
National Level
CMAT Age Limit:
No Age Barrier

 Table of Contents

  1. Important Dates for the CMAT

  2. CMAT Selection Process

  3. CMAT Eligibility Criteria

  4. CMAT Application Form Filling

  5. CMAT Application Fee

  6. CMAT Admit Card

  7. CMAT Exam Pattern

  8. CMAT Marking Scheme

  9. CMAT Syllabus

  10. CMAT Expected Cut-Off

  11. CMAT Pay Scale/Salary

  12. CMAT Tips and Tricks


Important Dates for CMAT

  • CMAT Application form filling (Registration) opening Date: December 2020

  • CMAT Application form (Registration) closing Date: 2-3rd week of January 2020

  • CMAT Application fee submission last date: 2-3rd week of January 2020

  • CMAT Admit card releasing date: Before 7-8 days of the Exam

  • CMAT Exam Date: Last Week of February 2021, Feb 27-28, 2021 (Tentative)

  • Answer key releasing date: To be announced.

  • CMAT Result date: March 2021 (Tentative)

  • Generally, this exam is conducted once a year.


CMAT Selection Process:


The participating colleges/institutes approved by AICTE will call the candidates after shortlisting candidates according to their CMAT Score. The institutes will select the candidates for MBA /PGDM Programme according to the candidate’s CMAT Score. The selection process may differ from college/institute to college/institute. The basic CMAT Selection Process goes as:

  1. CMAT Test

  2. The B-Schools will shortlist the candidates according to the CMAT Score.

  3. Writing Ability Test, Group Discussion, and Personal Interview

  4. Final Selection


CMAT Eligibility Criteria


The CMAT Eligibility Criteria is:

1. Nationality:

  • The applicant eligible for CMAT Test must be of Indian Nationality

2. Educational Qualifications:

  • The applicant should be a graduate (minimum 3-year degree from any stream) from any Government recognized University/ Institution.

  • Candidates appearing for final year examinations can also apply for the entrance exam.

  • The final year candidates have to provide the graduation degree passing certificate by the end of the admission process.

  • The candidates must ensure that they should not have any backlogs or supplementary examination left to clear.

3. Age Limit:

  • There is no age bar for applying for the CMAT exam.
  • The exam conducting body releases the mandatory eligibility criteria on the official site in the notification.

  • The aspirants should read the eligibility criteria carefully before applying for the exam to avoid circumstances.


CMAT Application Form Filling


  • The applicants have to register on the official website of NTA (National testing Agency) within the registration period.

  • The applicants have to Register themselves and enter personal information such as Name, Contact number, Email-ID, Password.

  • The login credentials will be sent on the verified email-ID and contact number.

  • The candidate must log in to the registration portal and enter the mandatory information such as Name, DOB, Gender, Category, Parents' name, nationality, and address.

  • The candidate has to upload the scanned photograph (passport size) and signature.

  • The academic qualifications are required to be entered at the very next step.

  • The candidate has to provide the experience details (if any) in the given tabs.

  • As the last step towards CMAT Application Form Filling, the candidate must enter their test city center and course preference.

  • The candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully, and they should recheck the details filled by them before final submission.

  • The candidates should note down the registration number and password for future use.

  • They should print out the application form copy in a white blank paper to keep all the information with them for further use.


CMAT Application Fee


  • CMAT Registration Fee (General Category): Rs. 1600

  • CMAT Registration Fee (Reserved Category): Rs. 800 


CMAT Admit Card

  • The admit card for the CMAT test will be available before 7-8 days of the examination. The applicants can download the authentic admit card from the official website.

  • It is an essential document for the day of the test; the applicant has to carry it along with the valid ID proof.

  • The candidates should print the admit card on a white blank paper.

  • The text and information printed on the admit card should be visible.

  • The candidates are advised to save a copy of the admit card for future use.

  • The candidates should have clear information about the exam pattern and marking process before attempting the real exam.

  • The admit card will be available to download from the date to till exam.

  • Address and photograph of identity proof should be matched to the uploaded records.

CMAT Exam Pattern:

The duration of the CMAT Exam is of 3 hours, the number of questions is 100. CMAT Exam will be completed in one sitting, that is, without any breaks in between. The motive of the exam is to test candidates in four areas; General Awareness, Quantitative Technique, Logical reasoning, and command over the English language. CMAT is held across the country through various exam centers located in different cities and states of India. 

  • The exam conducting body that is National Testing Agency (NTA), is responsible for setting up exam patterns and marking processes.

  • The exam will be conducted in online mode.

  • CMAT Mode: Computer-Based Test

  • CMAT Type: Objective Type

  • CMAT Questions Type: Multiple-Choice Questions

  • CMAT Level: National Level 

  • CMAT Language: English

  • CMAT Duration: 3 hours (180 Minutes)

  • Number of Sections: 4

  • Language Comprehension: 25 MCQs

  • Quantitative Techniques, Data Interpretation: 25 MCQs

  • Logical Reasoning: 25 MCQs

  • General Awareness: 25 MCQs

  • Total Number of Questions: 100 Questions

  • Maximum Marks of CMAT Test: 400 marks

  • After Clearing the CMAT Test, the applicants have to appear for Group Discussion after shortlisting the candidates according to CMAT Score.


CMAT Marking Scheme:

  • The marking scheme of the Common Management Aptitude Test will be like the applicant will get 4 marks per correct answer.

  • There is 1/4th negative marking for the incorrect answer that is 1 mark will get deducted for the wrong answer.

  • 4 wrong answers will cost the mark of 1 correct answer.

  • There is no penalty for unattempted questions.


Section Name

Questions Per Section

Marks for correct Answer

Weightage of the section

Negative Marking


Language Comprehension





1 mark


Quantitative Techniques, Data Interpretation





1 mark


Logical Reasoning




1 mark


General Awareness




1 mark


100 Questions

400 Marks


CMAT Syllabus:

As the exam will have 4 sections, the topic-wise syllabus for the CMAT Test are here:

1. Language Comprehension


Reading Comprehension

Sentence Completion

Idioms And Phrases


Para Jumbled


One Word Substitution

Synonym And Antonym

English Grammar

Perfect tenses and Conditional-unreal past

Dangling Modifiers

Subject-verb Agreement

Usage of Article



2. Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation


Data Interpretation


Simple And Compound Interest


Time, Speed, and Distance


Profit And Loss


Quantitative Techniques And Data Interpretation

Table and Pie chart

Number properties

Ratio and Proportions

Quadratic & Linear Equations


Fraction and Decimals


3. Logical Reasoning


Statement And Argument

Statement And Conclusion

Blood Relationship



Statement And Assumptions

Number Series

Linear, Seating,


Logical puzzle

Venn Diagram


Visual reasoning

Seating Arrangement

Cause and Effect

Analytical reasoning

Direction Sense

Matrix Arrangement

Non-Verbal Reasoning


Ranking Tests


4. General Awareness


Indian Constitution




Indian History


Famous Personalities

Current Affairs

Events of National and International Importance


CMAT Expected Cut-Off:

The applicant's merit will be decided on the overall score obtained in the four sections. The maximum mark the applicant will get is 400 Marks. Various B-Schools/Colleges/Institutes release the cut-off percentile.

The cut-off released is according to the highest percentile that the candidate scored in the exam like the previous year, an applicant has scored 100 percentile, and 7 applicants have scored 99.9 percentile. 

Some institutes shortlist the applicants who have scored more than 90 percentile, and similarly, there are the criteria that each institute keeps for the CMAT Score.


What after clearing CMAT?

The candidates will get admission in their preferred B-Schools that are participating in the entrance test. Once the Postgraduate program(MBA) will be completed, the placement process will begin. The prestigious companies from the world will come for recruitment and pick the talented candidates for their organizations.

Tips & tricks 

• You need speed to finish CMAT 2021 within prescribed time limit. Go through the topics that are available on the CMAT official website and start with the ones that you are good at. Practise reasoning and mathematics problems by memorising formulas.

•After each study session keep 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised.

•Make mathematics and reasoning your strong suit, practise questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. The trick here is to mug up math formulas by heart, so they come in handy while solving a problem.

•Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But don’t attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, only attempt a question if you really know the answer to.

•Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.

•Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.

•It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Youth4work Preparation Tests (prep test)

Online practice tests of youth4work for competitive exams – are very unique and popular among aspirants. Aspirants can take self-designed mock-tests as well as practice for sections and topics separately. Youth4work’s unique and proprietary technology is helping lakhs of aspirants to reveal personal details on what are the strength areas of aspirants for any exam and also suggest how they can improve the performance.


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