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Practice Tests for Electrical Engineering I Cgpsc

The concepts and applications of Electromagnetic Field in Physics and Electrical Engineering will be dealt with in this section of online mock tests. Solve these test papers and know how to counteract the tough questions.

Take this free mock tests for Electrical Engineering, as Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission might have some independent questions based on Measurement and Numerical on the same subject can also be asked.

Memorize the concepts you learned about Industrial Electronics in your electrical engineering classes and then go for these best mock tests for Chhattisgarh PSC Recruitment Examination.

Attempt these online mock papers and analyze your performance and skill at solving such examination papers. Electrical Networks and Circuits constitute the entire electrical engineering.

General Studies

Electrical Engineering I

Electrical Engineering II

Civil Engineering I

Civil Engineering II

Mechanical Engineering I

Mechanical Engineering II

Agriculture Engineering I

Agriculture Engineering II