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Is there exist any relationship between microbiology and genetics?

Is there exist any relationship between microbiology and genetics?Please explain in detail

Latest trends of microbiology and their importance

How do change in human thoughts leads to change in the latest trends of microbiology??

Which microbe is widely used in the removal of industrial waste?

Which microbe is widely used in the removal of industrial waste?

How to control the diseases spread through micro-organisms?

How to control the diseases spread through micro-organisms? What are the diseases spread through them??

What are fungi,molds and yeasts ?

please tell about the three terms in easy and concised language.

What is the importance of DNA replication ?

tell about the necessity of DNA and how its replication can be useful to us?

What is the term immune system means?

is it related to human body? explain its meaning please........

What is the term microbiology mean?

i want to know the concept of microbiology. what is the concept behind it?

What do you know about bacteria? Also mention its types.

can you tell about different bacteria present around us in the environment or inside human body....

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