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What are tips for someone whose learning C++?

What are tips for someone whose learning C++? Please tell about C++?

Your Answer

I will give some tips to learn C++
#1: Don’t Confuse Assign (=) with Test-for-Equality (==).
#2: Do Get Rid of “Magic Numbers”
#3: Don’t Rely on Integer Division (Unless That’s What You Want)
#4: Do Use Data Promotion to Control Results
#5: Don’t Use Non-Boolean Conditions (Except with Care)
#6: Do Use using Statement, Especially with Smaller Programs
#7: Don’t Use Global Variables Except to Communicate Between Functions
#8: Do Use Local Variables with the for Statement
#9: Don’t Be Intimidated into Overusing Classes and Objects
#10: Do Remember: Semi’s After Class Declarations, Not Functions

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