pls share the exam pattern?

exam pattern

Your Answer

​YAHOO recruitment can have 4 to 5 rounds these include 1 written test, 3 to 4 technical rounds and 1 HR round.
1.       Written test
The written test is in online mode. The exam will be of 70 marks. The exam will consist of 70 questions. There is no sectional timing. The exam will be for 60 minutes. There is no sectional cut off. There is no negative marking. The medium of the questions will be English. The exam will be divided into two parts which are General Aptitude and Technical. The technical section contains questions often form Computer Networks, DBMS, Unix, Data-Structures, Algorithms, and c/c++ output questions.
2.       Technical Rounds
After you have cleared your test the next round is the technical interview. In this round, the interrogation will be based on your introduction, resume, and your skills. To clear this round, you should be clear with your basics. After your first technical round, there will be more technical round which will mostly be coding based. 
3.       HR interview
After your technical rounds, you will be heading towards the final round which is the HR round. In this round, you will be asked general questions like why do you want to join the company, your hobbies and many questions like this.

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