Need reference questions for technical round in Wipro?

technical questions

  • Sanju
  • 09 Jun
  • 2 Answers
Your Answer

Hi, sharing some technical reference questions with you. But they are only for reference.
·         Provide an algorithm to reverse a linked list without using recursion.
·         Differentiate between C and C++.
·         What is the usage of transponders?
·         What are the different memories you know about? Which of them takes the shortest access time?
·         What are the different replacement policies?
·         Define Zombie process. How is it different from orphan process?
·         What is a semaphore? What are the different types of semaphores?
·         Define a good platform along with its qualities.
·         Define red-black trees.
·         What is the procedure to insert into a sorted array?

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