What is the syllabus of Infosys Placement Papers 2018?

Please provide me the chapter wise details of the syllabus of Infosys Placement Papers 2018?

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Infosys Written Test Syllabus 2018, the questions are very tough for Infosys Test Pattern 2018. There are 3 sections in the test in Infosys written test pattern – Quantitative Aptitude Logical Reasoning English INFOSYS LOGICAL SYLLABUS Below are the topics asked in Infosys Logical Section – Arrangements Syllogisms Coding Decoding Number series Cryptarithmetic Clocks and Calendar INFOSYS QUANTS SYLLABUS Here is the Infosys Quantitative Aptitude Topics asked in Online Test of Infosys – Percentages Data Interpretation Permutation and Combination Probability Areas, Shapes, Perimeter Speed Time and Distance Boats and Streams Time and Work Profit and Loss Mixtures and Allegation INFOSYS ENGLISH SYLLABUS Here are Topics from which questions are asked in Infosys English test – Reading Comprehension Sentence Correction Sentence Completion Para Jumbles Analogy Fill in the Blanks One Word Substitution.

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