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Practice Tests for Technical Idea Cellular

In this Television Fundamental Technical Questions for Idea Cellular Placement Paper, you will be checked on your basics technicalities of television. How the wavelengths move every second, etc. This online test is based on your knowledge of the fundamentals of television.

Take This Modulation Technical Questions for Idea Cellular Placement Paper Modulation and demodulation means carrying of extracting information to/from a signal. This mock test will help you judge yourself if your brain as a transmitter is able to carry the technical aspects of modulation and demodulation or not.

Take This Antenna & Wave Technical Questions for Idea Cellular Placement Paper. It will help you to apply your worth. know about how the electric current is converted to electromagnetic waves. Also, you need to know the types, the understanding of different types of antenna and wave propagation.

Take This Digital & Analog Signal Technical Questions for Idea Cellular Placement Paper. It is based on the transmission of signals and how are they useful. These data help you to analyze a lot of activities like computers and human voices. The data is transmitted by using electric signals.

In this technical section mock test, you will be tested on your knowledge of digital electronics, i.e how much caliber it hold to transmit data, what is the speed, or how much time it takes to transfer certain given bytes of data.

