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Practice Tests for Quantitative Aptitude Hp

Calculate the exact solution and learn how to compartmentalize your time to leverage the test in your benefit. HP Placement Test will be challenging so gear up accordingly.

The Placement Process could be not loss for you if you couldn't crack the placement test. Learn how to work on your weak areas by trying out these practice papers and mocks on Profit and Loss and other Quantitative Aptitude subjects.

Enters the most dreaded Quant subject that candidates keep away from. Here is a chance to move up the ladder. Try the entire mock test series and improve your grasp over all the concepts related to Probability.

Practice these questions and know how well you really understand the concept of Averages in Quantitative Aptitude. HP Placement Test is bound to have a few problems from this topic.

TSD Questions are mostly in-sync with the HP Placement Test Pattern. Try some questions based on the new pattern and devise a proper work schedule to attempt maximum practice papers from the test series.

Quantitative Aptitude

English Usage

Technical Test