Expected date of the examination?

When this exam is going to be conducted this year?

  • Aarti
  • 14 Jun
  • 2 Answers
Your Answer

I also don’t know about the exact schedule of HCL placement exam paper. But, I am sharing some important steps of this process of applying in HCL. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you.
·         Go to the official site of HCL.
·         In careers click on explore current openings and choose the country.
·         Next, select the position you opt for.
·         Click on apply now and login if you have already registered, or click to create a login.
·         If you are new proceed to fill in the required details in the online registration form.
After completing these steps you will receive a notification of acknowledgement. You van also check the latest notification on the official site of HCL.

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