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which topics are important for the written exam?

need syllabus

  • Suneeta
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  •  br /strongSyllabus/strongbr /Written Exam- This section consists questions from basic mathematics like Algebra, Permutation & combination, Algebra, Arithmetic, Probability, Speed & Distance, Algebra etc. and /Technical Questions- This section consists topics from C, C++, Java, OS etc.

  • Hi suneeta, how are you?br /all topics are important if you are preparing for such kind of exam. But, sharing some important points with /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongAptitude/strongstrong(Quantitative +Verbal +Technical)/strong: This section consists of questions based on data interpretation, graphs, blood relations, statement reasoning, etc. Also, there are questions from basic mathematics like time, speed & distance, algebra, arithmetic, probability, geometry, permutation & combination, etc. Further, there are questions from English language like grammar usage, fill in the blanks, etc. Technical questions are generally from topics like C, C++, Java, OS, /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongProgramming: In this s/strongection consists 2 questions. One question is of your choice and other question is based on printing some pattern.

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