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what is the syllabus for google?


  • Nitish
  • 3 Answers
3 Answers
  • strongDetailed Google Syllabus/strongbr /br /Logical Reasoningbr /strongVerbal Reasoning/strongbr /Analogybr /Series Completionbr /Verification of truth of the Statementbr /Situation Reaction Testbr /Direction Sense Testbr /Classificationbr /Data Sufficiencybr /Alpha- Numeric Sequence Puzzlebr /Test on Alphabetsbr /Puzzle Testbr /Blood Relationsbr /Coding- Decodingbr /Assertion and Reasoningbr /Arithmetical Reasoningbr /Operations of Mathematicsbr /Venn Diagramsbr /Word Sequencebr /Missing Charactersbr /Sequential Output trainingbr /Directionsbr /Eligibility Testbr /strongNon-Verbal Reasoning/strongbr /Dot Situationbr /Identical figure groupingsbr /Forming figures and analysisbr /Construction of squares and Trianglesbr /Seriesbr /Analogybr /Analytical Reasoningbr /Paper Foldingbr /Completion Incomplete Patternbr /Paper Cuttingbr /Cubes and Dicebr /Water Imagesbr /Mirror Imagesbr /Figure Matrixbr /Spotting embedded figuresbr /Classificationbr /Rules Detectionbr /English Topicsbr /Substitutionbr /Sentence Arrangementbr /Transformationbr /Prepositionsbr /Fill in the blanksbr /Para Completionbr /Idioms and Phrasesbr /Joining Sentencesbr /Error Correction (Underlined Part)br /Antonymsbr /Spelling Testbr /Synonymsbr /Passage Completionbr /Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)br /Spotting Errorsbr /Sentence Completionbr /Active and Passive Voicebr /Sentence Improvementbr /Aptitudebr /Time and Workbr /Time and Distancebr /Problems on L.C.M and H.C.Fbr /Simple Interestbr /Areasbr /Problems on Trainsbr /Boats and Streamsbr /Partnershipbr /Ratio and Proportionbr /Averagesbr /Pipes and Cisternsbr /Simple Equationsbr /Quadratic Equationsbr /Mixtures and Allegationsbr /Percentagesbr /Problems on Numbersbr /Compound Interestbr /Volumesbr /Profit and Lossbr /Odd Man Outbr /Races and Gamesbr /Numbers and Agesbr /Simplification and Approximationbr /Indices and Surdsbr /Mensurationbr /Permutations and Combinationsbr / /Technicalbr /C++br /Cbr /Linuxbr /DBMSbr /PHPbr /Javabr /Operating Systembr /Computer Networksbr /.Netbr /Cloud Computingbr /Data Structurebr /HTMLbr /Javascriptbr /Databasebr /Networks etc.

  • ok thank u for sharing.

  • !--[if !supportLists]--Hello nitish,br /·         !--[endif]--strongLogical Reasoning: /strongThis section consists of questions from topics such as seating arrangement problems, finding the missing numbers, puzzle tests and theme /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongGeneral Aptitude:/strong This section covers topics such as percentage, A.P & G.P, Prime Numbers, Problems on speed and /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongTechnical/strong: section consists of questions from topics such as C, C++, Java, Data Structure, and Computer /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--strongGeneral English: /strongThis section consists of questions from English grammar topics like prepositions, antonyms, synonyms, sentence completion and reading comprehensions.

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