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Practice Tests for Logical Reasoning Genpact

The difficulty level of questions based on clocks and calendars vary from exam to exam. Try a few questions on clocks and calendars here as per the exam pattern of Genpact Drives.

For solving direction sense questions, a test taker needs to deduce the right direction by analyzing all the direction changes. Prove your direction sense ability by attempting multiple online practice tests. This section is a part of Genpact Placement Papers.

Problems on Age questions are an important part of Logical Reasoning section of almost every exam and Genpact placement drives are no exception. Solve a few problems on age type questions for Genpact Placement Papers, so start the test now.

Analyzing latest Genpact Placement Papers will let you know that Syllogism is an important topic under Logical Reasoning section. Practice few syllogism questions here and prepare for the upcoming Genpact Recruitment Drives.

The logical reasoning section consists of some tough topics and blood relations is one of them. Try your hands on online test on blood relation made from the latest placement papers of Genpact before appearing in the actual recruitment drive.

Solve a few puzzles to prove your Logical Reasoning prowess and see where you stand among other Genpact Recruitment aspirants when it comes to solving puzzles. Just start the online adaptive test and you will know how to proceed.

This section of Genpact Placement Papers is quite easy, all you need to do is analyze a number series and then find a missing term. So start the online test and enhance your chances of making a career in Genpact.

Coding and Decoding questions are a bit tricky, so you need to read the questions properly and understand them before answering. Try our Genpact Placement Papers if you are striving hard to crack the written round of Genpact Drives. This section is dedicated to Coding and Decoding.

Quantitative Ability


Logical Reasoning