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Practice Tests for Technical Birla Soft

Prepare for Java Section of the Technical BirlaSoft Examination which will carry a great amount of weightage in your overall chances of getting shortlisted for an interview with the HR.

Solve set of interesting questions on Operating System that will also help you clear the technical round with BirlaSoft. Do try each mock test as you'll gain a lot of assessment experience of it.

Database Management System, commonly known as DBMS, is the central nervous system for most IT Companies. Answer problems based on DBMS in this section of mock test series.

Object Oriented Programming or C++ in BirlaSoft Placement Paper is all about programming, decoding and error correction. Make sure you've revised your basics before attempting this mock test series.

Attempt some technical and theory based problems based on Programming Language C and attend to the problematic questions to further strengthen you level of preparation.

Quantitative Ability

Analytical Reasoning

English usage
