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Discussion Q & A's of
Pssc Power Sector Skill Council

What are corona losses in transmission lines?

Many a times we heard about losses due to resistance, losses due to connectors etc. But have you ever wondered, if there are any losses due to rain, sunlight, atmosphere etc?

How can improve in efficiency of solar panel.. Plss tell me.

How many types of solar panel. And how can improve in efficiency of solar panel.

Non conventional energy resources

How many part of power sector are used in the industrial line...

Power generation in our country

How many modes of power generation in our country. And which mode maximum use to generate power..

Non conventional energy resources

Which is the capital where largest power generate through the wind mill..

study material

sir i need study material of energy meter technician

sir help me about solar PV instoller suryamitra sample paper

my assisment is coming soon

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Pssc Power Sector Skill Council