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IISSSC Indian Iron And Steel Sector Skill Council

What are the various execution plans of IISSSC Indian Iron And Steel Sector Skill Council?

  • Rakhi
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • IISSSC aims tobr /1. Create National Occupational Standards (NOS) that highlight aptitude competency gauges and capabilities. br /2. Refine the current educational plans to adjust it to NOS, acquire endorsement from an industry-drove group of specialists, and encourage the structure of conveyance limit. br /3. Plan and standardize a practical framework for the training of trainers. br /4. Steer the association procedures to empower quality confirmation in preparing in standard with worldwide principles. br /5. Make an appraisal system to grant carefully designed affirmations to students br /6. Advance institutes of greatness by sustaining the condition of professional preparation.


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iisssc indian iron and steel sector skill council