XAT exam pattern 2016

What is the pattern for XAT Exam this year?

Your Answer

Hi Deepshikha,
Following will be pattern for XAT 2016 exam
Paper I will be of Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation (26 marks); Verbal Ability (23 marks) and Decision Making & Analytical Ability (29 marks). Total marks for the XAT exam is 78.
It will be given 170 minutes to answer all.
Paper II will be of General Knowledge & Essay writing (25 marks). Time duration will be 35 minutes.
Each and every question carries 1 mark each. There will be Negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
From this year, there will be Negative marking scheme has been introduced for unanswered question, where after such 13 unattempted questions, 0.05 marks will be deducted.
                Hope it will help you!!

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