Tips or Tricks for XAT exam preparation?

Tips or Tricks for XAT exam preparation ? Please share few strategies.

  • Jai
  • 12 May
  • 7 Answers
Your Answer

XAT Exam tips and tricks for preparation
1. Revision
Revision of the topics and formulae is the most important part of last-minute tips for XAT preparation. This the time when candidates must revise their short notes. Revision is a must before appearing for the XAT exam. Revise all the important concepts, formulae, facts, and dates in the last few days. Revision helps in clearing all kinds of confusion and it strengthens what you have already studied.
2. Focus on your strengths
You must focus on your strong areas. Spending time on improving weak areas will be of no help at this point in time. It may end up confusing you. The time before the XAT exam should be devoted to strong areas only. Scan through past year XAT previous paper and check the type of questions asked from your strength areas. Also, revising topics in which you are strong will help you retain them longer. With this, you can perform better in XAT.
3. Revise General Knowledge
Refer to the timeline of the whole year and read up important points of the major events of the year. Even a cursory glance at the event of the year gone by and GK topics will help you recall them during the XAT exam.
4. Don't forget Decision Making section
The Decision-Making section is a unique aspect of the XAT exam. Though this section is totally dependent on your point of view and presentation of facts, it is better to attempt questions on decision making from previous year XAT question papers. Before the XAT exam, revise important points and revisit tips and tricks to have them fresh in mind.
5. Choose the best XAT exam strategy
To finalize an exam strategy before you appear for the XAT. It is important to work according to a strategy to score well in the exam. Having an exam strategy help you save time as you will know what to do immediately once you get the XAT question paper, instead of losing crucial minutes in devising a plan after the timer has started. Also, with this, time management will be taken care of. Time management is crucial to meeting sectional cut-offs and scoring well overall.
6. Be prepared with Plan B
Be ready with a Plan B, in case of surprise or shock questions. Sometimes, things go out of hand, and at that time Plan B works. What you need: You must prepare yourself for situations that might not be in your favor. Plan B also includes not panicking. Stay calm and composed, no matter what.

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