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Practice Tests for Quantitative Aptitude Iift

Take this free Algebra online test to brush up important concepts for this year's IIFT MBA entrance exam. Start practice for all sorts of math MCQs at youth4work.

Revise your Geometry concepts with this free online practice mock test, practice all-important maths MCQs to prepare effectively & efficiently for the IIFT MBA entrance exam.

Revise and update your Permutation & Combination concepts with this free online IIFT MBA mock exercise and also track your progress and test performance after each practice session ends.

Revise and update your Probability concepts with this free online IIFT MBA mock exercise and also track your progress and test performance after each practice session ends.

Solve this online mock test practice paper to attempt IIFT MBA entrance exam relevant math MCQs related to Mixture/Allegation problems, start testing now!

Prepare your math section for IIFT MBA entrance exam with free online practicing at youth4work, take this number system mock test to sharpen your math skills!

Solve Time & Work MCQs in this free online mock test to improve your math aptitude skills. Practice at youth4work to score highest in the upcoming IIFT MBA entrance exam.

Practice constantly at youth4work to clear IIFT MBA math section with highest scores, attempt time and distance MCQs in this mock test exercise for free!

Solve Simple-Compound Interest Maths MCQs to get familiar with IIFT MBA math exam pattern, take this free online mock test to make your quantitative aptitude sharper.

Prepare for IIFT MBA entrance test with youth4work's free preparation test series on profit & loss maths problems, solve the latest MCQs at youth4work.

Gain mastery over solving ratio-proportion Maths MCQs by practicing with the latest quantitative aptitude online sample mock test papers for the upcoming IIFT MBA entrance test.

Upgrade to best quality math mock test papers for this year's IIFT MBA entrance exam for free at youth4work, solve maths MCQs related to percentages in this exercise.

Quantitative Aptitude

Data Interpretation

Logical Reasoning

Verbal Ability

General Knowledge and Awareness