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Practice Tests for Language Comprehension Cmat

Arrange the options to make a proper logical and grammatical sense of the resultant statement in the questions asked under the section Para jumbles for free Online CMAT Exam Preparation.

Form the grammatically and anatomically correct Sentence in this verbal ability section for free online CMAT mock tests and practice papers.

Reading Comprehension Questions asked in Verbal Section of CMAT can be worked upon in this free online test series section. Skim through the options to get the right answer.

Learn some of the most important Idioms and Phrases that are regularly asked in CMAT Exams. Note down all important idioms and phrases that you collect while attempting these free online CMAT practice tests.

Select the best option and the correct one word substitute for the questions based on single word substitution asked in this Free Online CMAT Preparation Test.

Find the best fit synonym or antonym for the asked question in these online CMAT preparation test based on verbal ability and English language.

English Grammar questions will test your basic understanding of word building and sentence formation. Solve each question following proper grammatical rules in CMAT Mock Test for English Grammar.

Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation

Logical Reasoning

Language Comprehension

General Awareness