I scored 7.2 cgpa in 10th stndrd... N 73%tile in 12th... Now m persuing graduation B. Com... 1st yr... If i will score 90%tile in CAT... Den will be d opportunity to get admission in IIM...?????

Pls tell meee....

Your Answer

Frankly speaking with 90 percentile you are not even going to get a call from any of the IIM's forget admission, because 90 percentile means out of 100 students 10 are above you and if about a lac students will the entrance test then nearly 10000 will be above you and IIM's dont call these many students for the admission.
Secondly IIM's search students with reallly good academic background and I don't find that in your case as 20% of the total marks are based on your academics.

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