How shall i prepare for RRB Exams

I want to make career in Railways,how shall i prepare the RRB Exam.What aare the books to prepare

Your Answer

1) Get adequate sleep on the night before the exam so that you wake up fresh.
2) Before the D-day arrives, visit the exam centre once so that you are familiar with the location.
3) On the day of the exam, make sure to leave your premises early in order to reach the exam centre comfortably.
4) While attempting the exam, don’t indulge in guesswork because the level of negative marking is quite high.
5) Keep your admit card and all the relevant documents handy for inspection at the exam centre.
Finally, if you put your best foot forward and have faith in yourself then cracking the exam is definitely within your reach. Remember that, with a positive mindset even a difficult task becomes easier.

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