
how many test and qurstions will I get if I upgrade

  • Amanullah
  • 26 नवम्बर
  • 4530 दृश्य
  • 4 उत्तर
Your Answer

You can take part in many competitive exam. If you take part in competitive you study more subjects. Firstly you study the general knowledge [GK]. With the help of the general knowledge you know about the general things. In the every competitive exam general knowledge is very important. After that you will study the current affairs. In the current affairs you will the all current incidents that will be happen in the present or the past. Due to the current affairs you should know india deal with on that things. You will study not only the Indian current affairs in fact you will study the all over the world current affairs. If you take part in many competitive exam or online test you will feel you are upgraded.    

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