CGPSC exam pattern

What is the CGPSC exam pattern?

  • Swati
  • 29 मई
  • 10029 दृश्य
  • 4 उत्तर
Your Answer

CGPSC test will be of 200 marks.
The exam is divided into two papers.
The total duration of First paper will be 120 minutes.
The total duration of Second paper will be 120 minutes.
Papers: Two
First Paper of 100 MCQs type of questions for General studies.
Second Paper of 100 MCQs type of questions for Aptitude Test.
Marking scheme: 0.33 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer and 1 mark will be allotted for each right. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.

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