Linde Exam Details, Pattern and Insights

Linde Group is the multinational chemical industry founded in the year 1879. The headquarters are in Munich, Germany. The products and services provided by the company are industrial gas production, natural gas and air separation plant engineering and logistics services. This firm is affiliated with over 600 companies in more than 100 countries. Candidates are advised to attempt mock tests and previous year papers to prepare well for the placement process.

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मुख्य हाइलाइट
Linde का
Qualification,BCA,MCA,BE Degree
Selection Process
Online Test,Technical Interview,HR Interview
Exam Pattern
English,Quantitative,Logical Reasoning,Coding(Online)
Paper can be attempted by


Linde invites freshers with, BCA, MCA, BE Degree and experienced as well.

Selection Process

Linde Placement process hires employers through campus recruitment or AMCAT exam. However, the hiring process has three major rounds which are as follows:

  • Online Test
  • Technical Ihnterview
  • HR Interview


 Exam Pattern

Linde conducts an online test as its first step. It has sections that are as follows:

  • English
  • Quantitative
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Coding


  • English Language section consists of short Reading comprehension Passages. This sections also consist of basic grammar usage. This section is a higher level.
  • Analytical Ability questions are generally of higher Level & time-consuming too. It includes questions from Topics like Puzzles, Syllogism, Blood relations, Data sufficiency & Pattern Recognition.
  • Quantitative Aptitude+ Analytical Ability+ English Language - This section consists of 45 questions each and the time durability is 60 minutes.The questions in Dell Quantitative Aptitude Section are from Topics like Algebra, Time & Distance, Speed & Distance, Profit & Loss, HCF, LCM, arithmetic, percentage, geometry etc.

Tips and Tricks

  • Candidates must attempt questions carefully, as there is no negative marking.
  • One must attempt previous years' papers and practice papers to know of the exam pattern.
  • One must go through technical and HR previous interview questions to prepare well for those rounds.
  • Candidates must have good verbal communication skills.
  • Linde holds qualification eligiblity limits thus one must check with that before applying.
  • Being a highly aspired company, the level of the exam usually lies between moderate and difficult. Thus candidates must have an idea of the previously asked questions to prepare well.


Youth4work Prep Tests

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Following are interesting insights from over 2 lakh question attempts on Linde Placement practice paper on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question attempt

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