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Technical Test Hp के लिए अभ्यास मॉक टेस्ट

Solve latest placement papers based on DBMS, an area that is considered as the centre of all the data storage. Solve each mock test and try to devise a pattern to improve your attempt ratio with each practice paper.

This section focuses on theory and coding based question on C++ Programming Language. Revise all the basic syntax and do not make notation errors as technical section is crucial for final selection in HP.

There might be a number of query based questions that can be asked in from the world of SQL in the technical exam of HP Recruitment Process. Prepare accordingly and try not to get overwhelmed by commands.

Operating System is a vast topic and has a lot of theory attached to it too. Do not miss out on any subtleties as HP favors OS over other technical subjects.

C Programming Language serves as the founding benchmark to computer programming. Learn what type of questions can be asked in HP Recruitment Examination from this sample mock test series.