Is anyone can share some important points to avoid in the interview of Accenture?

popular "Don'ts" in a Personal Interview of Accenture.

  • Rahul
  • 23 जून
  • 2898 दृश्य
  • 1 उत्तर
Your Answer

I have joined special classes for this. I am sharing some popular Don’t for personal or HR interview round. Read them carefully:
·         Don't be arrogant, overaggressive or vain.
·         Don't show a lack of attention or energy.
·         Don't make excuses for adverse conditions in your record, such as below average marks.
·         Don't condemn past institutions of education; keep comments positive.
·         Don't display a noticeable aversion for schoolwork.
·         Don't be uncertain and indecisive in your thoughts.
·         Don't display prejudice or bias.
·         Don't be late and make sure you are on time for the interview.
·         Don't contradict your own answers.
·         Don't glorify experiences dating back to formative years of schooling.
·         Don't forget: You are the one who provides content to the interview, and you have control over what you are sharing with the interviewer.
You can follow them in any interview. They are equally beneficial for Accenture as well as other important interview rounds.

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