what is this exam basically for?

  • Ankit
  • 01 जून
  • 6818 दृश्य
  • 8 उत्तर
Your Answer

It is an entrance examination test in India that is conducted by CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. NEET is a examination that is organized for under graduate students  , as well as for those who want to be a graduate in  MBBS, DENTAL COURSE  or want to be a part of post graduation in MD-MEDICINE OF DOCTOR OR MDS.
This test is applicable for government as well as for private colleges too.
NEET(UG) replaces the AIPMT(ALL INDIA PRE MEDICAL TEST) and all individual MBBS exams conducted by states & colleges themselves.
NEET(2017) will be an offline paper that will be consisting of 180 objective type questions, from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry & Biology(Botany & Zoology). It attracts admissions in the basis if merits.

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