Eligibility for RRB exam?


  • Mrinmay
  • 17 दिसम्बर
  • 4 उत्तर

4 उत्तर
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4 उत्तर
  • Hello Mrinmay,
    Indian railway gives great opportunity to the candidates to make a career for different educational qualificational candidates. You can apply for the railway recruitment exams even after 10th. There are different eligibility criteria for the different posts.
    One can apply for the following posts in the Indian Railway:
    RRC Group D
    Railway Loco Pilot etc.
    The eligibility criteria for the above posts is as follows:
    For RRB NTPC:
    Age limit: 18 to 32 years
    Educational: Graduation Degree

    For RRC Group D
    Age: 18 to 31 years
    Education: 10th Pass or ITI

    For Loco Pilot
    Age: 18 to 30 years
    Education: ITI or Engineering

    For RRB JE/SSE
    Age: 18 to 25 years for JE and 20 to 34 years for SSE
    Education: Graduation in Engineering

    For more information you must check the official website of RRB website.

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