IBPS Specialist Officer Exam Pattern, Details and Latest Notification

IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) is an institute aims at providing a chance to the potential aspirants to work and achieve their career goals by giving placements into PSBs including Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance Government of India, Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, Indian banks associations’, National Institute of Bank Management & public sector banks except for SBI. The minimum qualification for IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) is that the candidate must be a graduate or a post-graduate from a recognized university. The candidate’s age must be between 20 to 30 years.

Eligibility  |  Exam Pattern  |  Syllabus  |  Tips and Tricks  Take Free Mock Test

मुख्य हाइलाइट
Ibps Specialist Officer का
Application Date:
November 2020
Age Limit:
20-30 Years
Application Fees:
General/OBC - Rs.600 ST/SC/Pwd - Rs.100
Number of Vacancies:
Exam Dates:
IBPS SO Prelims - 26-27 Dec 2020 IBPS SO Mains - 30 Jan, 2021
Interview Date:
February 2021
Type of Post/Vacancies along with eligibility

Every candidate must be efficient enough to know three sections which are common in all examinations which are English language, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude and the candidate must be fully be equipped with his area of interests or specialization i.e. Human Resource, Information Technology, Marketing, Law, Rajhbhasha Adhikari, Agricultural officer. Separately the candidates need to study for their specialization which are:


  • The IT Officer: Candidate who has opted for this post, must have the knowledge of Database Management System, Data Communication & Networking, Operating System, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Computer Organization, and Microprocessor & Object-Oriented Programming.

  • Agricultural Officer: Candidate who has opted for this post, must have the knowledge of Basics of Crop Production, Horticulture, Seed Science, Agronomy & Irrigation, Agricultural Economics, Soil Resources, Animal Husbandry, Agroforestry, Ecology, Government Schemes.

  • Marketing Officer: Candidate who has opted for this post, must have the knowledge of Basics of Marketing Management, Brand Management, Advertising, PR, Sales, Retail, Business Ethics, Market Segmentation, and Market Research & Forecasting Demand, Product life cycle, Corporate Social Responsibilities, Service Marketing, and Marketing Strategies.

  • Law Officer: Candidate who has opted for this post, must have the knowledge of Banking Regulations, Compliance & Legal Aspects, Relevant Law & Orders, Prevention of Money-laundering &Limitation Act, Consumer Protection Act, SARFAES, Banking Ombudsmen Scheme, Banking sector laws and Actions, Bankers Book Evidence Act, DRT Act.

  • HR Officer: Candidate who has opted for this post, must have the knowledge of HR Development, Business Policy & Strategic Analysis, Transnational Analysis, Training & Development, Recruitment & Selection, Rewards & Recognition, Industrial Relations, Business Policy & Strategic Analysis, Grievances & Conflict Management and Performance Management & Appraisal.

  • Rajbhasha Adhikari: Candidate must have the knowledge of Hindi conjunctions, grammar, sentence structure and much more.

Syllabus of IBPS SO Main Exam:

IBPS Specialist IT Office

  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Professional knowledge
  • Reasoning

HR and Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

  • Professional Knowledge
  • Reasoning
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude

Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari

  • Professional Knowledge
  • Reasoning
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS Agriculture Field Officer

  • Professional Knowledge
  • Reasoning
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  1. REASONING: The reasoning section includes alphanumeric series, logical reasoning, ranking/direction test/alphabet test, data sufficiency, coded inequalities, seating arrangement, puzzles, tabulation, syllogism, blood relation, coding-decoding, input-output.

  2. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE: The questions from profit and loss, simplification, mixtures&alligations, simple interest, compound interest, surf and indices, work and time, time and distance, mensuration, data interpretation, ration and proportion, percentage, number system, sequence and series, permutation and combinations, probability questions.

  3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Cloze test, reading comprehension, para jumbles, error spotting/multiple-meaning, fill in the blanks, paragraph completion

Exam Pattern of IBPS SO Exam:

The marking scheme of each exam for the following posts are as follows:-

IBPS Specialist IT Officer: The number of questions is 60 that carries 60 marks

HR and Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer: The number of questions is 60 that carries 60 marks

Law Officer: The number of questions is 60 that carries 60 marks

IBPS Agriculture Field Officer: The number of questions is 60 that carries 60 marks

Rajbhasha Adhikari: This exam is of two types: Objective and Descriptive Type. The number of questions in Objective is 45 and in Descriptive are 2. Both carry 60 marks.

Tips and Tricks:

With people applying for IBPS SO is in lakhs, it becomes really difficult to crack but all you need to do is follow these tricks and tips to succeed:

  • The person should be proficient in his specification so, keep on practicing.
  • Make sure the specification you have applied and study for it only.
  • You must also have the full knowledge of English like Sentence Structuring, Grammar, conjunctions and so on for that learn and practice along with it take Mock Tests every now and then.
  • Must have the full knowledge of Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Solve previous year’s question papers in order to know what to expect and it will test your speed as well as accuracy.
  • Prepare yourself with the timing of the exam so that you will able to finish well in time.
  • Don’t be anxious and before going to examination hall eat properly, have proper sleep and just relax.

Youth4work Prep Tests

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Following are interesting insights from nearly 3.2 lakh question attempts on IBPS SO exam practice tests on Youth4work. Every aspirant is rated on a Rating Scale. The ratings of the aspirants change with every question attempt.

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