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Dsssb Prt 2020 Mock 01 Dsssb Tier 1 के लिए अभ्यास मॉक टेस्ट

English Language seems to be easy while communicating but the writing section can give some trouble, as antonyms, tenses, one-word substitution, numerous things come up in the exam. Practice all at one spot.

Arithmetical and Numerical Ability section can give you stress, don't worry, be prepared for such questions. Attempt the mock questions for the section with the best mock test series available.

General Awareness section requires a sharp eye towards the daily happening all around the world. Attempt the mock questions and test your knowledge about the concerned subject.

Hindi being the mother-tongue of many people in India seems quite easy but the written questions for the Hindi might disturb you. Check your preparations for dsssb prt exam here with the best mock test on Hindi.

The mock test for child development and pedagogy is available here, try the free mock test series here with youth4work.

Reasoning questions can run your mind in many directions to get the answer correct, try the free mock test series for this section for upcoming DSSSB PRT Recruitment Exam.