how can score good marks in uptu


  • Nilay
  • 28 मार्च
  • 3 उत्तर

3 उत्तर
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3 उत्तर
  • hello

  • I'm a current student of A.P.J.A.K.T.U (Formerly UPTU) and from my experience as a student of this university I can give you some Golden Rules to get good marks in End-Semester Exams.

    olden Rule 1: Have a copy of the notes your Teacher gave you. They Often turn out to be Back-Saver.
    Golden Rule 2: Buy any of the one, Quantum or Decode.
    Golden Rule 3: Look at question in Quantum or decode and try to look for its answer in your teachers’ note.
    Golden Rule 4: Use Two Colour pens i.e. Black and Blue and try to write as much you know as much you can.
    Golden Rule 5: Never Start Writing Answer First that you don’t know and are bluffing with shitty theory.
    Golden Rule 6: Look at 3 or 4 previous year question paper and memorize the answers of all the question that were asked. Chances are about 40–60% question would be repeated.

  • only hardwork

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