What are the tips for GATE CSE preparation?

How many subjects are there in total? Key Points in Order to Prepare for GATE Computer Science?

  • Arunita
  • 12 अक्तूबर
  • 9864 दृश्य
  • 8 उत्तर
Your Answer

In GATE CSE preparation there are so many topics you want to study.
GATE CS 2018-19 Syllabus
Section1: Engineering Mathematics
Section 2: Digital Logic
Section 3: Computer Organization and Architecture
Section 4: Programming and Data Structures 
Section 5: Algorithms 
Section 6: Theory of Computation 
Section 7: Compiler Design
Section 8: Operating System 
Section 9: Databases
Section 10: Computer Networks 

each section is containing several marks.
between 2 to 20 marks

Important Guidelines to Follow During Preparation:

You are the best person to decide what works for you. So chart your own preparation plan and schedule in a way that suits your style.

Keep a Handbook containing important formulae for ready reference. This handbook can be pretty useful during the last days before the exam as a quick reckoner for calculations.

Also make it a habit to take short notes on all topics that you have been studying. These will be pretty useful when you need to do quick revision during the last days leading up to the exam

Make sure you give Mathematics and General Aptitude equal weight. Apart from contributing 15 % each to the total marks, the sections are scoring. So, if you score well in these two sections it can push up your overall GATE score.

gate computer science (cs)
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
gate computer science (cs)