what is the exam pattern for the exam?

please explain me the exam pattern for ggsuipu bba cet exam.

  • Tarun
  • 08 अप्रैल
  • 1057 दृश्य
  • 3 उत्तर
Your Answer

·         Total time offered is 2.5 hours in which the candidates have to attempt 100 questions.
·         Total marks are 400
·         The exam is divided into 4 sections.
·         SECTION 1 is  English Language & Comprehension
·         SECTION 2 is  General Awareness
·         SECTION 3 is Logical and Analytical Ability
·         SECTION 4 is Aptitude relating to the field of Management and Communication Skills
·         Exam is conducted in offline(pen and paper) mode and in English medium.
·         Correct answer gives you +4
·         1  mark is deducted for every incorrect answer.

watch our youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih3Wpq9Fdw4&list=PLKQu-ix31TLJw_aA-B9jGX3NdM5Pj9mdJ&index=2

ipu cet for bba
मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
ipu cet for bba