USA Law Test Pattern and Details

USA Graduate Tests are the tests for all graduate and undergraduate students to assess their knowledge about law. These test examine the candidates for their admission in US Universities. There are two domains that work under this field, that are, NCBE and MPJE. National Conference of Bar Examinars (NCBE) is a non-profit corporation that aims to develop the standards of law. NCBE includes various exams under it like the MPRE, UBE, MBE, MEE, MPT. Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) is an examination of pharmacy law in participating jurisdictions. These tests are computer based and multiple choice questions & subjective both. Candidates are advised to check the sample papers and practice tests to know about the test pattern.

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मुख्य हाइलाइट
Law का
No. of Sections: 1. NCBE ~MBE ~MPRE ~UBE ~MEE ~MPT 2.MPJE
Exam Level: International
Male/Female both


  • Intended for bachelor's degree graduates and undergraduate students about to graduate, who want to apply to law schools.
  • Must be fluent in English.

Exam Pattern


  • MBE-Multistate Bar Examination
    • There are 200 multiple choice questions.
    • The duration is 6 hours.
    • It is administered by user jurisdictions as part of the bar examination. 
  • MPRE- Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination​
    • There are 60 multiple choice questions.
    • The duration is 2 hours.
    • It test the user's knowledge of lawyer's professional conduct.
  • UBE- Uniform Bar Examination
  • MEE- Multistate Essay Examination
  • MPT- Multistate Performance Test


  • There are 120 questions.
  • There are three divided areas of the test:
    • Pharmacy Practice- 83%
    • Licensure, Registration, Certification and Operational Requirements- 15%
    • General Regulatory Processes- 2%




  • MBE-
    • Constitutional Law
    • Contracts
    • Criminal Law and Procedure
    • Civil Procedure
    • Evidence
    • Real Property
    • Torts
  • MPRE-
    • Standards of lawyer's professional conduct


  • Pharmacy Practice
  • Licensure, Registration, Certification and Operational Requirements
  • General Regulatory Processes

Tips and Tricks

  • Check through the syllabus carefully.
  • Prepare a study schedule and follow it sincerely.
  • Apply for the test very diligently without missing out on any important detail.
  • Practice previous years papers to know the pattern of questions that come in exam.

Youth4work Prep Tests

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