what is the exam pattern for RPSC EXAM?

can anyone tell me the exam pattern for RAJASTHAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION EXAM in detail

  • Sameer
  • 01 दिसम्बर
  • 2 उत्तर

2 उत्तर
1-2 of  2
2 उत्तर
  • Exam Pattern:
    It is an Online as well Offline exam which is conducted in two stages:
    Preliminary, Mains Examinations and Interview:
    Prelims: General Knowledge and Science which covers topics like what’s happening in the country as well the world with the knowledge of sports, economy, current affairs, awards & honors, scientific research, history along with important dates and biology, chemistry, physics with 200 Multiple-choice Questions and 200 as the maximum marks with the time limit of 180 minutes.
    Mains: It will have four papers, it consists of written as well as descriptive tests. Each paper will be of General Study’s which covers topics like Indian Heritage and culture, History, Geography of the world and India, Government, constitution, Indian Polity, Social Justice, International Relations, Technology, Bio-Diversity, Environment, Disaster Management, Economic Development and much more carrying 200 marks each.
    Interview: It consists of 100 marks.

    Ye exam online or offline dono mode mai hota hai or ye exam 2 stages mai conduct kraya jata hai.
    Preliminary, mains examinations and interview
    PRELIMS mai general knowledge and science ke topic  ate hai or country ke current affairs or iske sath sath sports, economy, awards and honours, scientific research, history, biology, physics, chemistry ati hai with 200 multiple choice questions or ye  200 maximum marks ke hote hai jisme candidate ko time limit di jati hai 180 minutes ki.
    MAINS mai candidate ko 4 papers dene hote hai jisme written or descriptive tests bhi hote hai. Each paper will be of general knowledge jisme kuch topics cover kiye jate hai jaise indian heritage and culture, geography of the world and india, Government, constitution, Indian Polity, Social Justice, International Relations, Technology, Bio – Diversity, Environment, Disaster Management, Economic Development etc, or ye questions 200 marks each hote hai.
    RPSC exam ke sare questions objective type hote hai.
    To watch our youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT_-ayr6xTI

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