NCLEX - Preparation Tips ,Tricks ,Cracks ,Dos & Don's ?

NCLEX - Preparation Tips ,Tricks ,Cracks ,Dos & Don's ? PLEASE TELL?

  • Pallavi
  • 12 अगस्त
  • 4 उत्तर

4 उत्तर
1-4 of  4
4 उत्तर
  • Hlo Pallavi,these are some tips and tricks to crack the exam:·         As there are only two languages in which you can give the exam Choose the language in which you are most comfortable.
    Candidates must have knowledge of medical terms.
    ·         As this is a nursing exam there will be a lot of question related to patient care so keep your focus on the patient.
    ·         Think of the ideas which will be best suited for the situations.
    ·          Read all the question carefully and do not assume something out of the question.
    Check our youtube video:

  • Tips and Tricks
    Candidates must attempt all questions carefully.
    Candidates must revise their concepts thoroughly.
    Candidates must have knowledge of medical terms.
    Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.
    Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.
    FOR BOOK LINKS, click here.

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