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how to prepare for ssc?

and what and all books I should refer

  • Nishant
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • o prepare for the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) exams, it's essential to have a well-structured plan. Here's a concise guide:br /Understand the Exam: Familiarize yourself with the SSC exam pattern, syllabus, and the specific exam you're targeting (CGL, CHSL, etc.).br /Study Material: Choose reputable study materials, including NCERT books for basics, and specialized books for SSC exams. Consider books by renowned publishers like Arihant, Kiran Prakashan, and R.S. Aggarwal for quantitative and /Online Resources: Utilize online resources, including SSC's official website, previous years' question papers, and educational websites for practice tests and study notes.

  • Competitive Planet. You can subscribe to this channel. Competitive Planet have started the online coaching through YouTube. I have gone through the Constitution lessons. Its good. While contacting the admin, they said they are going to upload the classes daily. a rel='nofollow' href=""

  • Start your preparation from General Awarness then move to the mathmetical portion where you have to practise Aptitude questions and reasonings and at the last pick the English section.. Best thing you make a proper time table according to that you give all the 3 sections time Study a subject for 1.5 hours and then take another..Ready a newspaper daily

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ssc cgl tier 1