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What is the detailed syllabus for NIACL Prelims Exam?

Kindly tell what is the topic-wise syllabus for NIACL Prelims Exam?

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NIACL Prelims Assistant Recruitment Exam Syllabus:

NIACL conducts examination at the national level to recruit candidates for the assistant and various vacant posts. the Exam for Assistant recruitment is an online exam of 60 minutes. The exam will be conducted in three stages as per the norm of any competitive recruitment exam:

1. Preliminary Exam
2. Mains Exam
3. Regional Language Test

NIACL Assistant Prelims Syllabus:

Preliminary Examination will be of 100 marks having objective-type questions from three sections. The sections are:

1. English Language: 30 questions
2. Reasoning: 35 questions
3. Numerical Aptitude: 35 questions

The detailed topic-wise syllabus for NIACL Assistant Prelims Exam is mentioned here:

1. English Language:

Vocabulary, Sentence Error/correction, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Arrangement/ Word Arrangement, Comprehension & Cloze Test, Para jumbles

2. Reasoning:

Syllogism, Linear and Circular Sitting Arrangements, Puzzles, Alphabet Series, Coding-, Decoding, Verbal Reasoning, Blood Relations, Number Series

3. Numerical Ability: 

Percentage, Time & Work, Area, Profit & Loss, Number Series, Quadratic Equations, Average, Simple & Compound Interest, HCF, LCM, Problem On Ages, Time & Speed, Investment

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