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Practice Tests for English Language Niacl Prelim Exam

When we talk about reading comprehension in the English language, sometimes it becomes difficult to attempt NIACL prelims. So, we have created some test papers for practice purposes, try the mock test.

When it comes to test the grammar, you become a bit hopeless now in NIACL prelim exams under the subcategory of English language, you will get the grammar section to work. You will get the free mock test standardized according to the previous year papers and sample papers start working upon your grammar with these mock test.

If you talk about synonyms and antonym under English language, people don't have a good vocabulary to use in NIACL Assistant Prelims exam. So we have prepared these online exams for our students to perform well in the exam.

When it comes to spot the error under English language, people would not be able to spot an error. If this remains for NIACL exam, then it not going to work out for the exam, so we have some mock tests for practice purposes.

When you talk about one-word substitution under the English language, part of NIACL Assistant Prelims practice test, many people will hesitate to perform well. We have prepared some practice tests to work upon this hesitation as a solution.

People get blank-out sometimes when they see fill in the blanks under the English language section of NIACL recruitment exam. We have created some online tests based on the English language according to the syllabus for practice.

English Language


Numerical Ability