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Can anyone please tell me exam pattern of IBPO main exam?

What is the exam pattern of IBPO main exam?Give me all the details?

  • Nisha
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • ustrongIndian Bank PO Recruitment: Exam pattern/strong/ubr /br /Mains online take a look at (CBT) maybe 100 /The exam will have 155 MCQs of kind /The overall period of the examination maybe 3 /The medium of language of the questions might be Hindi and /Sections inside the examination: Fourbr /Reasoning and Computer Aptitude for 60 marksbr /Data Analysis & Interpretation for 60 marksbr /General/Economy/Banking Awareness for forty marksbr /English Language for 40 marksbr /There may be separate papers for English Language (Letter writing and essay) so as to have 2 subjective type questions of 25 marks for 30 /Marking scheme: zero.25 marks could be deducted for every goal type incorrect answer and 1 mark could be allotted for each objective type right solution. If a query is left clean, i.E. No answer is marked by way of the candidate; there might be no penalty for that question.

  • strongEXAM PATTERN:/strongbr /These are the syllabus for the exam:br /Reasoning, quantitative aptitude, English language, general awareness, and computer /In the strongprelims exam,/strong we have 100 questions of 100 marks and the total time allocated 60 minutes. There will be 3 sections. 20 mins for each /strongMains paper:/strongbr /There will be 155 questions with total marks 200 and the total time allocated for mains paper is 180 /There will be 0.25 will be deducted for every wrong /The general category needs 40% in mains paper to qualify in the interview. And for SC/STOBC/PWD category candidates need 35% to qualify in interview /We have given link in the description for the full /br /watch our youtube video a rel='nofollow' href="" / br / 

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indian bank po mains exam