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Practice Tests for General Awareness Ibps Rrb Officer Scale 1 Mains Exam

If you're preparing General Awareness for bank exams then take this online mock test that will test your awareness of the financial sector, train smartly with youth4work's IBPS RRB Officer scale-1 model test series to secure high ranks.

Attempt the questions of General Awareness Section from this online preparatory Mock Exam for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 mains. You will get to practice the latest and frequently asked questions with this test from past few years as well.

Not sure how to prepare general awareness (Current Affairs) for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1? This online mock test offers you the solution by making you attempt only the most relevant GK MCQs for bank exams.

Reasoning Paper

General Awareness

Numerical Ability

English Language

Computer Knowledge