how to prepare for RRB exam?

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Your Answer

Tips and Tricks for IBPS RRB Prelims Exam:
·         Do take Mock Tests to know your Strengths’ & Weaknesses, take it seriously and don’t get demotivated if you score less.
·         Make a time table and go by the schedule.
·         Do eat well before going. Keep yourself hydrated.
·         Refer books, make notes as well online portals to know where you stand.
·         There will be 80 questions so, try to manage time.
·         Wrong answers will fetch you -0.25 marks and right answers will fetch you +1 marks.
·         Prepare from starting don’t leave it for the last day, as hurriedness kills everything.
·         Practice Previous Year Examinations’ Papers for the best insights.

ibps rrb office assistant mains exam
Practice Mock Test
ibps rrb office assistant mains exam