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hi anyone pls suggest me how to use shortcut tricks in quantitative aptitude.....

Shortcut tricks

  • Arvind
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • Hello,br /Quantitative aptitude is an important section and every other exam consist this section with different difficulty level questions. the accuracy and speed is the essential things which can help to score in this section. and to improve your speed, you need to use short trics to solve the /First clear your basic concepts and solve related /Learn all the important formulas and find short tricks to solve the /You can use vedic mathematics to solve calculation /Learn Table, square and cubes to do the calculation /Solve as much questions as you can. Practice, solving previous year papers and mock test will improve your quantitaive /There are short tricks to find SI & CI, for multiplications, addition. Also learn short method for percentage, mixture, age problem, profit & loss /Go through the complete syllabus and check in which topic you need extra attention and in which you are /IBPS Has released the a rel='nofollow' href=""notification for IBPS Specialist officer/a post. Check your eligibility and fill the application form before the last /Be updated with latest information to know more about IBPS PO and clerk recruitment /All the best.

  • there is simple trick just try to practise each and every question dialy . Make your habbit of solving the question in dialy routine so that ur concept become strong and ur speed of solving the question increases as well...and one thing before solving any question read the concept of that topic like formulas . If u remmber the concepts in ur mind then all the aptitude question will be easy for u as a game 

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