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Can anyone give an overview of the Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)?

Overview of CCC

  • Vishal
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • I appreciate these courses. The information provided is incredibly valuable to me. However, my current priority is preparing a research paper. Fortunately, I found a resource that has been instrumental in assisting me with this task a rel='nofollow' href="" With their help, I anticipate being able to prepare thoroughly and meet my deadline effectively.

  • In this age of digitization, the need to have at least some basic computer knowledge has become indispensable. National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology which operates within the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, has implemented Course on Computer Concept (CCC) for the common people with the intention of imparting basic IT concepts to make them computer literate. After the completion of this course, anyone can make use of computers to make his/her life simpler by understanding the application of computers in every day routine tasks like learning new things on web, news, paying for utilities, /strongEligibility/strongbr /CCC is a short course of 80 hours which is conducted every month of the year. The candidates who are willing to learn the basic computer knowledge must be aware of the eligibility criteria for the course before applying. There is no age bar for this ingenious course. Candidates have to fill an online form with correct details on the NIELIT official website to register themselves for this course, every personal detail entered must be correct as the information once entered can’t be edited or corrected /strongExam Pattern/strongbr /Objective Type multiple choice questionsbr /100 questionsbr /90 mins /No negative markingbr /strongTips anad tricks/strongbr /Removing the demotivation factor from your inner self. This is the most important thing before preparing for exams, if you will demotivate yourself you’ll not be able to cope up with your studies further. Take as many tests you can because this will help in enhancing the accuracy level and you will know where you stand and which areas you need to practice. Don’t get demotivated by the scores of your mock test, this will only help you to better your score in your future /strongFor watch our youtube video:/stronga rel='nofollow' href="" /br / 

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course on computer concepts (ccc)