UPTU Exam pattern

What will be the marks distribution for the UPTU Entrance exam?

Your Answer

Hi Deepshikha,
The last year’s exam pattern for UPTU is –
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University can announce the check Pattern of UPSEE 2016 in due course of your time.
Subjects that are covered are Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. Entrance test will be having each of 50 questions for every section. The total number of questions is 150.
UPSEE 2016 Marking Scheme:
• Every objective multiple sort question can carry four marks for every correct answer. Quite one answers indicated against the question are going to be thought of as incorrect answer and no marks are going to be awarded for that.
• There are going to be no negative marking within the test. However, a record of incorrect answers given by a candidate is going to be unbroken severally throughout checking of answer sheets.
• Candidates square measure needed to answer all objective sort queries in UPSEE 2016 on a specially designed OMR answer sheet (provided by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University) against the individual question variety. Candidates’ square measure imagined to choose only 1 alternative for proper answer in every question.
• They shall mark answers exploitation pen (black / blue) solely. The main points stuffed in by candidates within the OMR answer sheet are going to be treated as final for the aim of analysis.
It would give you a great help!!