How can I prepare for IIT JAM physics?

want to know about how can I prepare for iit jam 2018 physics.

Your Answer

Prepare for the IIT JAM 2018 Physics with knowing about JAM Syllabus and exam pattern.
It carries a lengthy syllabus you must start studies a few months before the exams.
Jam Exam has three sections each have different type of questions such as
MCQs (Multiple Choice Question)
MSQs (Multiple Select Question)
NAT (Numerical Answer Type) respectively.
Candidates need to have pay attention on the scheme of marking and the duration of question paper.
There is minus marking in the Section-1.
For all 1mark questions, 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
For all 2 marks questions, 2/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
There will be total 60 questions in the paper carrying 100 marks.
Students can create a time table and give the time to the topics according to their difficulty level. Do not focus on important topics prepare for all the topics.
Solve previous year’s IIT JAM 2017 Question Papers and mock tests which helps to understand the pattern and type of the questions and time management of paper solving.
Buy the good reference books for IIT JAM that covering the all syllabus, solved papers and sample papers.